We have been busy organising fieldwork, collecting data, presenting our work and continuously engaging with the scientific community through various conferences, events and workshops.
The Thai team, led by Assoc. Prof. Kraichat Tantrakarnapa from Mahidol University in Bangkok, have recruited volunteers in Bangkok for personal exposure measurements, questionnaire surveys as well as home surveys during different seasons. The inclusion of Chiang Mai as our second fieldwork area, kept the team busy too, with several trips required to the North of Thailand for data collection. This area is of particular interest as it is regularly affected by heavy smoke haze originating from forest and agricultural burning.
In the UK, Prof. John Cherrie and colleagues from Heriot-Watt University and the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Edinburgh have been busy working on the Health impact assessments analysis and other data analyses, and reviews of the scientific literature to underpin our work.
The team also attended various conferences and meetings, presenting posters and giving talks about the ongoing TAPHIA work, including the ISES conference (Kaunas, Lithuania), and the ISEE (Utrecht, Netherlands). Prof. Tantrakarnapa and Nopadol Precha from Mahidol Unviersity, travelled to Edinburgh, UK to attend the UK & Ireland Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology Conference in April 2019. We took this opportunity to hold further project-related meetings, to explore Edinburgh’s culinary scene and the Highlands.
And for the remainder of 2019…
With fieldwork almost complete and data analysis in full swing, 2019 remains a busy. To round things up, we are organising an international symposium and workshop to share our findings and experience with all of you. The TAPHIA project has teamed up with Dr Tippawan Prapamontol from Chiangmai University, to host a 2-day international symposium and workshop at the Science and Technology Park of Chiangmai University.
The International Symposium for Environmental Epidemiology, Exposure Science and Environmental Health will take place on the 11th and 12th of December in Chiang Mai, Thailand and covers the following broad themes: Exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, toxicology, environmental health occupational health, health impact assessment and related issues.
The programme will include scientific presentations, panel discussions and a practical workshop to introduce participants to the HIA computer programme BenMap. There will also be plenty of time for networking and discussions during the event.
Registration and further details about venue, programme, and the format of abstracts can be found on the event website:
If you are interested in joining us for this meeting and would like to make an oral or poster presentation, please note the following dates:
- Abstract submission is now open – the deadline is the 30th of October 2019. Abstract templates and guidelines for poster submissions can be found on the event website.
- Announcement of successful abstracts will be made on the 15th of November 2019
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly:
Department of Social and Environmental Medicine
Faculty of Tropical Medicine , Mahidol University
Tel +66 2-3069100-9 Ext#1689
Fax +662-3069179
Email isee.esac2019@gmail.com
Address 420/6 Ratchawithi Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400. Thailand